
Volunteer Opportunities


NCF Canada loves volunteers!

NCF Canada is praying for nurses in the following areas:

  1. Nurses who want to know more of Jesus.
  2. Nurses who love the Lord and want to share His love with others.
  3. Nurses who love to pray and study God’s words.
  4. Nurses who love to communicate via social media such as Face Book, IG or YouTube…etc.
  5. Nurses who would like to serve the Lord with other Christian nurses, please contact .

Provincial Committees and contacts in various provinces

There are always opportunities to learn more about NCF Canada by becoming an associate and fellowship in small groups.
Please contact the Provincial Chair in your area to find out more about these opportunities how to grow with other Christian nurses.


Small Group Leaders

As NCF Canada expands across Canada, there will be an increased need for facilitators who will help lead small groups in many local communities. If God laid in your hearts and have a desire to see nurses encouraged, inspired and supported in your community, or are willing to host a small group in your area, please contact NCFC  at .

Saline Process Witness Training

If you are interested in sharing God’s love and hope with others, SPWT is the course that you will suit your needs.

Ongoing training throughout the year via zoom or in person in Canada, contact Fronica


IVCF Pioneer Camps across Canada and Scott’s Mission camp nurses  opportunities for Christian Nurses:

Please contact ncfcares@gmail.com for more details.


Listed below is a number of organizations that nurses may contact in order to inquire about short-term or global mission opportunities.


Want to join missions overseas?


Web site: www.sim.ca

*EMAS Canada   www.emascanada.org

*Mobilization for Interserve Canada

Mobilization for Interserve Canada is a mission that sends professional people into the hard places of the world. It started over 150 years ago & is formerly known as the Bible & Medical Missionary Fellowship (BMMF). The sending footprint is specifically to the 10/40 window.

E-mail: dm@interservecanada.org

Lance Schubert (Director of Mobilization for Interserve Canada)

Web site: www.interservecanada.org


*AIM Africa Inland Mission  aimint.org/ca

Support church plants, leadership training and outreach teams in Africa

Welcomes nurses and healthcare workers to join their ministry.