Nurses in Canada

Called to love & serve one another in the name of Christ

NCF Canada is a vibrant ministry seeking to engage, equip and empower nurses in Christ. There are approximately 437,000 nurses currently in practice across Canada, many of whom espouse Christian faith. However, the stressful realities of the workplace within a secular health care system has resulted in many nurses feeling isolated and alone. NCF Canada exists to care for nurses! Opportunities are available in many communities across Canada for nurses to meet in small groups to study, fellowship, and pray together. Individual mentoring often takes place also.


Purchase event and conference tickets directly through our online store.


Send us your prayer requests so we can pray for those in need across our network.


Learn about many of the ways you can get involved with NCF Canada.

Become an Associate!

NCFC invites you to join our growing family by becoming an Associate! Many nurses and healthcare workers are excited to build capacity for this organization. We need YOU to make this organization a strong witness for Christ!

  • be offered opportunities to serve and contribute to NCFC
  • be a recognized volunteer in the organization
  • be first to receive training and educational updates
  • be a candidate for attending national and international events
  • receive an NCFC gift package
  • enjoy discounted NCFC workshop and seminar costs

Click here for more information